Calvary Baptist Academy
Home of the Patriots

Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve
Administration & Office Staff

David Spencer, Jr.

Athletic Director
Brandon Smith

Vice Principal
Margaret Mosser

Financial Coordinator
Donald Pauley

Office Manager
Kayla Ball

IT Coordinator
Aaron Fry

Judy Peterson

Rachel Theiss

3rd Grade
Emma Simpkins

Kindergarten Aide
Susan Bailey

4th Grade
Bethany Micelli

1st Grade
Sara Skeens

5th Grade
Rhonda Dalyai

2nd Grade
Amanda Starcher

Elementary Aide
Patricia Easter
Middle School / High School

6th Grade
Angela Bosley

MS Math
Margaret Mosser

HS Math / Bible
Alex Stilgenbauer

Science / Comp. Science
Amber DeGroff

HS English / Spanish
Stacie Parra

HS History
Caleb Turner

MS English / Art
Tara Flinn

HS Bible / Per. Finance
David Spencer, Jr.

MS History / HS Health
Darlene James

MS Bible
Kara Spencer
School Staff

Lauren Bowers

Library / Lunch Staff
Rachael Kelly

Lunch Coordinator
Tiffany Wickline

Vickie Chapman

Lunch Staff
Stephanie King

Physical Education
Dianna Williams

Music / Drama
Mia Harner

Library / Resource
Kara Spencer

Chris Workman

Personnel Support
Tess Henry

Lunch Staff
Kathy Sull